
Author's POV

2 years ago 

BANARAS, Uttar Pradesh


Under the moonlight sky, the Ganga Mahotsav transformed into a breathtaking spectacle of lights and shadows. Along the ghats, flickering candle illuminated the steps, casting dancing shadows on the fluttering surface of the sacred river. The gentle lapping of water against the shore provided a soothing soundtrack to the nights festivities, as the scent of jasmine and sandalwood perfumed the air.

Amidst the enchanting atmosphere, performers took the stage, their silhouettes swaying gracefully against the backdrop of shimmering waters. Dazzling fire dancers twirled flaming torches with perfection, mesmerizing the audience. Musicians serenaded the night with melodies, their music weaving through the crowd like a whispered voice.

The vibrant colours of the Ganga Mahotsav festival illuminated the night sky as the crowd gather to witness the cultural performance. ADHYANSH, reluctantly  follows his sibling and cousins through the bustling streets of Banaras.

"Isn't this amazing, Bhai Sa? I'm so glad we convinced you to come with us!" said Aditi in a excited voice.

Adhyansh nods silently, his expression unreadable. Despite his initial reluctance, he is loving the environment here, though he refused to show it outwardly.

"Look! There's a classical dance performance over there" said Laksh with excitement clearly visible in his eyes.

"Bhai Sa, please let's go there" said Laksh.

Adhyansh just hummed.

They moved towards the area where dance performance is taking place.

As the beat of music filled the air, shadows danced over the floor. Adhyansh found himself mesmerized by the graceful movements of the dancers. Among them, a girl stood out her silhouette swaying with an effortless rhythm.

But it wasn't only her silhouette that caught his eyes; it was the glint of silver on her wrist. As she twirled the bangles on her wrist sparkle, casting fleeting flashes of light that drew him like a moth to a flame. Despite his usual indifferent demeanor, he finds himself captivated by her every movement.

As the performance reaches its climax, the girl disappears into the crowd. Determination flickers in his eyes as he sets off in pursuit, his heart pounding with an unfamiliar sense of urgency.

He weaves through the mass of people, his focus solely on finding the girl who stirred something within him. Suddenly he spots something glinting on the ground— a delicate silver bangle, abandoned amidst the chaos.

As he holds the silver bangle in his hand, he runs his fingers over its surface, feeling a connection to the mysterious girl who wore it.

The crowd around him seems to fade into the background as his thoughts were consumed by the image of the Ms. Mystery. He recalls every her every movement, every subtle gesture, trying to imprint her in his memory.

His thoughts broke when his brother calls him from back,

"Bhai Sa, what happened?" aks Ahaan with concern visible in his eyes as he saw his brother run from the performance spot out of blue.

"Nothing, Let's go" replied Adhyansh nonchalantly.

He pockets the bangle, his stoic facade cracking ever so slightly.

"I will find you Ms. Mystery" were his unspoken words as he roam his eyes over the place last time and turning back to go towards his cousins.

       ✿♡♡✿                         ✿♡♡✿


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